We will create two containers (linux1, linux2) based on the same image (ubuntu)

  docker run -it -d --rm --name linux1 ubuntu /bin/bash

additional flags: -dstarts the container as “detached”. Use “docker attach” to attach to it later on. --rm cleans up the container after stopping. The container will be removed, basically the same as “docker rm container_identifier” after stopping the container. So everything is kept tidy. --name will give the container a dedicated name, which makes it easier to address the container later on.

Creates container “linux2”

  docker run -it -d --rm --name linux2 ubuntu /bin/bash

Attaches to container linux1

  > docker attach linux1

Creates a new directory on container linux1

  > ls
> mkdir mylinux1

Shows that “mylinux1” was created

  > ls

Attaches to container linux2

  >  docker attach linux2

Shows that the directory of linux2 is different than linux1, although they are both from the same image “ubuntu” They are separated, they don’t share their file-system The bash process is isolated in the container

> ls
  > exit

Shows only one container which is running, the other one got removed

  >  docker ps -a

Last updated 25 Jan 2025, 20:54 +0530 . history