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Compose Volume Mount
Lets build docker compose file
version: '3'
image: php:7.2-apache
- "8080:80"
- "./:/var/www/html"
above when we do docker compose up it will start apache with php 7.2
it will mount corrent directory to /var/www/html
also it mount port 80 of the container to port 8080 on the host
create index.php with following content
echo "hello world \n\n";
run with docker compose
2-DC-Vol-Mount git:(main) ✗ docker compose up
[+] Running 15/15
⠿ phpapp Pulled 13.2s
⠿ c9648d7fcbb6 Pull complete 3.1s
⠿ f88cecc04e76 Pull complete 3.1s
⠿ 30eb7a300f13 Pull complete 5.1s
⠿ c17a0a78e91d Pull complete 5.1s
⠿ 8d436d7bb026 Pull complete 5.6s
⠿ 5543a36f8eed Pull complete 5.7s
⠿ 28135fd83ed1 Pull complete 5.7s
⠿ 485201b000c7 Pull complete 5.8s
⠿ 9e92e56de9f5 Pull complete 5.9s
⠿ 709f68bc1d50 Pull complete 8.3s
⠿ c5ff78edaefc Pull complete 8.3s
⠿ 119f7607f913 Pull complete 8.4s
⠿ 1c04bb0b5fbe Pull complete 8.4s
⠿ 9639d8c8cc76 Pull complete 8.4s
[+] Running 2/1
⠿ Network 2-dc-vol-mount_default Created 0.1s
⠿ Container 2-dc-vol-mount-phpapp-1 Created 0.1s
Attaching to 2-dc-vol-mount-phpapp-1
open localhost 8080
Last updated 25 Jan 2025, 20:54 +0530 .