Arkade Open Source Marketplace for Kubernetes

Posted on February 13, 2023

Getting started with Arkade CLI

  • Macos/Linux
~ curl -sLS | sudo sh

Downloading package as /tmp/arkade-darwin-arm64
Download complete.

Running with sufficient permissions to attempt to move arkade to /usr/local/bin
New version of arkade installed to /usr/local/bin
Creating alias 'ark' for 'arkade'.
            _             _      
  __ _ _ __| | ____ _  __| | ___ 
 / _` | '__| |/ / _` |/ _` |/ _ \
| (_| | |  |   < (_| | (_| |  __/
 \__,_|_|  |_|\_\__,_|\__,_|\___|

Open Source Marketplace For Developer Tools

Version: 0.9.7
Git Commit: 461fb7a9d05d7e3d13a39e03e1e38b6936cb15bd

 🐳 arkade needs your support:
➜  ~ 

Get list of most needed tools & CLI for all Kubenetes Developer

  ➜  ~ arkade get 
|       TOOL       |                         DESCRIPTION                          |
| actions-usage    | Get usage insights from GitHub Actions.                      |
| actuated-cli     | Official CLI for                                |
| argocd           | Declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes. |
| argocd-autopilot | An opinionated way of installing Argo-CD and managing GitOps |
|                  | repositories.                                                |
| arkade           | Portable marketplace for downloading your favourite devops   |
|                  | CLIs and installing helm charts, with a single command.      |
| autok3s          | Run Rancher Lab's lightweight Kubernetes distribution k3s    |
|                  | everywhere.                                                  |
| buildx           | Docker CLI plugin for extended build capabilities with       |
|                  | BuildKit.                                                    |
| bun              | Bun is an incredibly fast JavaScript runtime, bundler,       |
|                  | transpiler and package manager – all in one.                 |
| butane           | Translates human readable Butane Configs into machine        |
|                  | readable Ignition Configs                                    |
| caddy            | Caddy is an extensible server platform that uses TLS by      |
|                  | default                                                      |
| cilium           | CLI to install, manage & troubleshoot Kubernetes clusters    |
|                  | running Cilium.                                              |
| civo             | CLI for interacting with your Civo resources.                |
| clusterawsadm    | Kubernetes Cluster API Provider AWS Management Utility       |
| clusterctl       | The clusterctl CLI tool handles the lifecycle of a Cluster   |
|                  | API management cluster                                       |
| cmctl            | cmctl is a CLI tool that helps you manage cert-manager and   |
|                  | its resources inside your cluster.                           |
| conftest         | Write tests against structured configuration data using the  |
|                  | Open Policy Agent Rego query language                        |
| cosign           | Container Signing, Verification and Storage in an OCI        |
|                  | registry.                                                    |
| cr               | Hosting Helm Charts via GitHub Pages and Releases            |
| crane            | crane is a tool for interacting with remote images and       |
|                  | registries                                                   |
| croc             | Easily and securely send things from one computer to another |
| dagger           | A portable devkit for CI/CD pipelines.                       |
| devspace         | Automate your deployment workflow with DevSpace and develop  |
|                  | software directly inside Kubernetes.                         |
| dive             | A tool for exploring each layer in a docker image            |
| docker-compose   | Define and run multi-container applications with Docker.     |
| doctl            | Official command line interface for the DigitalOcean API.    |
| eksctl           | Amazon EKS Kubernetes cluster management                     |
| eksctl-anywhere  | Run Amazon EKS on your own infrastructure                    |
| faas-cli         | Official CLI for OpenFaaS.                                   |
| firectl          | Command-line tool that lets you run arbitrary Firecracker    |
|                  | MicroVMs                                                     |
| flux             | Continuous Delivery solution for Kubernetes powered by       |
|                  | GitOps Toolkit.                                              |
| flyctl           | Command line tools for services                       |
| fstail           | Tail modified files in a directory.                          |
| fzf              | General-purpose command-line fuzzy finder                    |
| gh               | GitHub’s official command line tool.                         |
| golangci-lint    | Go linters aggregator.                                       |
| gomplate         | A flexible commandline tool for template rendering. Supports |
|                  | lots of local and remote datasources.                        |
| goreleaser       | Deliver Go binaries as fast and easily as possible           |
| grafana-agent    | Grafana Agent is a telemetry collector for sending           |
|                  | metrics, logs, and trace data to the opinionated Grafana     |
|                  | observability stack.                                         |
| grype            | A vulnerability scanner for container images and filesystems |
| hadolint         | A smarter Dockerfile linter that helps you build best        |
|                  | practice Docker images                                       |
| helm             | The Kubernetes Package Manager: Think of it like             |
|                  | apt/yum/homebrew for Kubernetes.                             |
| helmfile         | Deploy Kubernetes Helm Charts                                |
| hey              | Load testing tool                                            |
| hostctl          | Dev tool to manage /etc/hosts like a pro!                    |
| hubble           | CLI for network, service & security observability for        |
|                  | Kubernetes clusters running Cilium.                          |
| hugo             | Static HTML and CSS website generator.                       |
| influx           | InfluxDB’s command line interface (influx) is an interactive |
|                  | shell for the HTTP API.                                      |
| inlets-pro       | Cloud Native Tunnel for HTTP and TCP traffic.                |
| inletsctl        | Automates the task of creating an exit-server (tunnel        |
|                  | server) on public cloud infrastructure.                      |
| istioctl         | Service Mesh to establish a programmable, application-aware  |
|                  | network using the Envoy service proxy.                       |
| jq               | jq is a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor |
| just             | Just a command runner                                        |
| k0s              | Zero Friction Kubernetes                                     |
| k0sctl           | A bootstrapping and management tool for k0s clusters         |
| k10multicluster  | Multi-cluster support for K10.                               |
| k10tools         | Tools for evaluating and debugging K10.                      |
| k3d              | Helper to run Rancher Lab's k3s in Docker.                   |
| k3s              | Lightweight Kubernetes                                       |
| k3sup            | Bootstrap Kubernetes with k3s over SSH < 1 min.              |
| k9s              | Provides a terminal UI to interact with your Kubernetes      |
|                  | clusters.                                                    |
| kail             | Kubernetes log viewer.                                       |
| kanctl           | Framework for application-level data management on           |
|                  | Kubernetes.                                                  |
| kgctl            | A CLI to manage Kilo, a multi-cloud network overlay built on |
|                  | WireGuard and designed for Kubernetes.                       |
| kim              | Build container images inside of Kubernetes. (Experimental)  |
| kind             | Run local Kubernetes clusters using Docker container nodes.  |
| kops             | Production Grade K8s Installation, Upgrades, and Management. |
| krew             | Package manager for kubectl plugins.                         |
| kube-bench       | Checks whether Kubernetes is deployed securely by running    |
|                  | the checks documented in the CIS Kubernetes Benchmark.       |
| kubebuilder      | Framework for building Kubernetes APIs using custom resource |
|                  | definitions (CRDs).                                          |
| kubecm           | Easier management of kubeconfig.                             |
| kubeconform      | A FAST Kubernetes manifests validator, with support for      |
|                  | Custom Resources                                             |
| kubectl          | Run commands against Kubernetes clusters                     |
| kubectx          | Faster way to switch between clusters.                       |
| kubens           | Switch between Kubernetes namespaces smoothly.               |
| kubescape        | kubescape is the first tool for testing if Kubernetes        |
|                  | is deployed securely as defined in Kubernetes Hardening      |
|                  | Guidance by to NSA and CISA                                  |
| kubeseal         | A Kubernetes controller and tool for one-way encrypted       |
|                  | Secrets                                                      |
| kubestr          | Kubestr discovers, validates and evaluates your Kubernetes   |
|                  | storage options.                                             |
| kubetail         | Bash script to tail Kubernetes logs from multiple pods at    |
|                  | the same time.                                               |
| kubeval          | Validate your Kubernetes configuration files, supports       |
|                  | multiple Kubernetes versions                                 |
| kumactl          | kumactl is a CLI to interact with Kuma and its data          |
| kustomize        | Customization of kubernetes YAML configurations              |
| lazygit          | A simple terminal UI for git commands.                       |
| linkerd2         | Ultralight, security-first service mesh for Kubernetes.      |
| mc               | MinIO Client is a replacement for ls, cp, mkdir, diff and    |
|                  | rsync commands for filesystems and object storage.           |
| metal            | Official Equinix Metal CLI                                   |
| minikube         | Runs the latest stable release of Kubernetes, with support   |
|                  | for standard Kubernetes features.                            |
| mixctl           | A tiny TCP load-balancer.                                    |
| mkcert           | A simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted            |
|                  | development certificates with any names you'd like.          |
| nats             | Utility to interact with and manage NATS.                    |
| nats-server      | Cloud native message bus and queue server                    |
| nerdctl          | Docker-compatible CLI for containerd, with support for       |
|                  | Compose                                                      |
| nova             | Find outdated or deprecated Helm charts running in your      |
|                  | cluster.                                                     |
| oh-my-posh       | A prompt theme engine for any shell that can display         |
|                  | kubernetes information.                                      |
| opa              | General-purpose policy engine that enables unified,          |
|                  | context-aware policy enforcement across the entire stack.    |
| operator-sdk     | Operator SDK is a tool for scaffolding and generating code   |
|                  | for building Kubernetes operators                            |
| osm              | Open Service Mesh uniformly manages, secures, and gets       |
|                  | out-of-the-box observability features.                       |
| pack             | Build apps using Cloud Native Buildpacks.                    |
| packer           | Build identical machine images for multiple platforms from a |
|                  | single source configuration.                                 |
| polaris          | Run checks to ensure Kubernetes pods and controllers are     |
|                  | configured using best practices.                             |
| popeye           | Scans live Kubernetes cluster and reports potential issues   |
|                  | with deployed resources and configurations.                  |
| porter           | With Porter you can package your application artifact,       |
|                  | tools, etc. as a bundle that can distribute and install.     |
| promtool         | Prometheus rule tester and debugging utility                 |
| rekor-cli        | Secure Supply Chain - Transparency Log                       |
| rpk              | Kafka compatible streaming platform for mission critical     |
|                  | workloads.                                                   |
| run-job          | Run a Kubernetes Job and get the logs when it's done.        |
| scaleway-cli     | Scaleway CLI is a tool to help you pilot your Scaleway       |
|                  | infrastructure directly from your terminal.                  |
| sops             | Simple and flexible tool for managing secrets                |
| stern            | Multi pod and container log tailing for Kubernetes.          |
| syft             | CLI tool and library for generating a Software Bill of       |
|                  | Materials from container images and filesystems              |
| talosctl         | The command-line tool for managing Talos Linux OS.           |
| tctl             | Temporal CLI.                                                |
| terraform        | Infrastructure as Code for major cloud providers.            |
| terragrunt       | Terragrunt is a thin wrapper for Terraform that provides     |
|                  | extra tools for working with multiple Terraform modules      |
| terrascan        | Detect compliance and security violations across             |
|                  | Infrastructure as Code.                                      |
| tfsec            | Security scanner for your Terraform code                     |
| tilt             | A multi-service dev environment for teams on Kubernetes.     |
| tkn              | A CLI for interacting with Tekton.                           |
| trivy            | Vulnerability Scanner for Containers and other Artifacts,    |
|                  | Suitable for CI.                                             |
| vagrant          | Tool for building and distributing development environments. |
| vault            | A tool for secrets management, encryption as a service, and  |
|                  | privileged access management.                                |
| vcluster         | Create fully functional virtual Kubernetes clusters - Each   |
|                  | vcluster runs inside a namespace of the underlying k8s       |
|                  | cluster.                                                     |
| viddy            | A modern watch command. Time machine and pager etc.          |
| waypoint         | Easy application deployment for Kubernetes and Amazon ECS    |
| yq               | Portable command-line YAML processor.                        |
There are 124 tools, use `arkade get NAME` to download one.

Install any above tool with simple syntax

  arkade get < NAME OF TOOL > 

lets install one of tool

kubeconform - A FAST Kubernetes manifests validator, with support for Custom Resources

  arkade get kubeconform 


  Downloading: kubeconform
2023/04/02 10:12:06 Looking up version for kubeconform
2023/04/02 10:12:08 Found: v0.6.1
5.17 MiB / 5.17 MiB [--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100.00%
/var/folders/xy/3ssjv1j152x3_0ryt4yb982c0000gn/T/kubeconform-darwin-arm64.tar.gz written.
2023/04/02 10:12:11 Looking up version for kubeconform
2023/04/02 10:12:11 Found: v0.6.1
2023/04/02 10:12:11 Extracted: /var/folders/xy/3ssjv1j152x3_0ryt4yb982c0000gn/T/kubeconform
2023/04/02 10:12:11 Copying /var/folders/xy/3ssjv1j152x3_0ryt4yb982c0000gn/T/kubeconform to /Users/sangambiradar/.arkade/bin/kubeconform

Wrote: /Users/sangambiradar/.arkade/bin/kubeconform (9.824MB)

# Add arkade binary directory to your PATH variable
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.arkade/bin/

# Test the binary:

# Or install with:
sudo mv /Users/sangambiradar/.arkade/bin/kubeconform /usr/local/bin/

🐳 arkade needs your support:
➜  ~ export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.arkade/bin/
➜  ~ /Users/sangambiradar/.arkade/bin/kubeconform
2023/04/02 10:12:35 failing to read data from stdin
➜  ~ sudo mv /Users/sangambiradar/.arkade/bin/kubeconform /usr/local/bin/
➜  ~ kubeconform                                              
2023/04/02 10:13:00 failing to read data from stdin
➜  ~ kubeconform -h
Usage: kubeconform [OPTION]... [FILE OR FOLDER]...
  -cache string
    	cache schemas downloaded via HTTP to this folder
    	print debug information
    	immediately stop execution when the first error is encountered
  -h	show help information
  -ignore-filename-pattern value
    	regular expression specifying paths to ignore (can be specified multiple times)
    	skip files with missing schemas instead of failing
    	disable verification of the server's SSL certificate. This will make your HTTPS connections insecure
  -kubernetes-version string
    	version of Kubernetes to validate against, e.g.: 1.18.0 (default "master")
  -n int
    	number of goroutines to run concurrently (default 4)
  -output string
    	output format - json, junit, tap, text (default "text")
  -reject string
    	comma-separated list of kinds or GVKs to reject
  -schema-location value
    	override schemas location search path (can be specified multiple times)
  -skip string
    	comma-separated list of kinds or GVKs to ignore
    	disallow additional properties not in schema or duplicated keys
    	print a summary at the end (ignored for junit output)
  -v	show version information
    	print results for all resources (ignored for tap and junit output)

lets create ngnix deployement and validate kubernetes manifest

  apiVersion: v1
kind: ReplicationController
  name: "bob"
  replicas: asd"
    app: nginx
      name: nginx
        app: nginx
      - name: nginx
        image: nginx
        - containerPort: 80

check it out if above kubenetes menifest Valid or not with Summary in Json format

  kubeconform -summary -output json ngnix.yaml
  "resources": [
      "filename": "ngnix.yaml",
      "kind": "ReplicationController",
      "name": "bob",
      "version": "v1",
      "status": "statusInvalid",
      "msg": "problem validating schema. Check JSON formatting: jsonschema: '/spec/replicas' does not validate with expected integer or null, but got string",
      "validationErrors": [
          "path": "/spec/replicas",
          "msg": "expected integer or null, but got string"
  "summary": {
    "valid": 0,
    "invalid": 1,
    "errors": 0,
    "skipped": 0

add and contribute your favourite cloudNative Tool To arkade

here is example one of tool -

  tools = append(tools, Tool{
Owner: "tenable",
Repo: "terrascan",
Name: "terrascan",
Description: "Detect compliance and security violations across Infrastructure as Code.", BinaryTemplate: `
{{$osStr := ""}}
{{ if HasPrefix .OS "ming" -}}
{{$osStr = "Windows"}}
{{- else if eq .OS "linux" -}}
{{$osStr = "Linux"}}
{{- else if eq .OS "darwin" -}}
{{$osStr = "Darwin"}}
{{- end -}}
{{$archStr := .Arch}}
{{- if eq .Arch "aarch64" -}}
{{$archStr = "arm64"}}
{{- else if eq .Arch "x86_64" -}}
{{$archStr = "x86_64"}}
{{- end -}}
{{.Name}}_{{slice .Version 1}}_{{$osStr}}_{{$archStr}}.tar.gz`,
return tools }

write test cases for above tool

  func Test_DownloadTerrascan(t *testing.T) { tools := MakeTools()
name := "terrascan"
tool := getTool(name, tools)
tests := []test{
os: "darwin",
arch: arch64bit,
version: "v1.11.0",
url: ``,
os: "darwin",
arch: archARM64,
version: "v1.11.0",
url: ``,
os: "linux",
arch: arch64bit,
version: "v1.11.0",
url: ``,
os: "linux",
arch: archARM64,
version: "v1.11.0",
url: ``,
os: "ming",
arch: arch64bit,
version: "v1.11.0",
url: ``,
}, }
for _, tc := range tests {
t.Run(tc.os+" "+tc.arch+" "+tc.version, func(r *testing.T) {
got, err := tool.GetURL(tc.os, tc.arch, tc.version, false) if err != nil {
t.Fatal(err) }
if got != tc.url {
t.Errorf("want: %s, got: %s", tc.url, got) }
}) }

Join CloudNativeFolks Community or Reach out to me on twitter @sangamtwts